2024 – 2025 School Year Announcements
Johns Creek High School Fine Arts
At Johns Creek High School, students can complete multiple pathways during their four years. These pathways include, but are not limited to:
- Fine arts
- World Language
- Math
Fine Arts students (Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Theatre, Art) have the option to complete a secondary Elective Pathway if they so desire. The traditional 6 period day provides some challenges to complete this, however Fulton County Schools offers many Virtual and Summer courses in order for your student to complete their desired coursework.
The Fine Arts teachers at JCHS have compiled a list of recent graduates that have completed one or more elective pathways during their time at JCHS. Included in this list are their unofficial transcripts to serve as a guide for their course progression during their time at JCHS. These are guides and do not serve as a direct map or guarantee of admission to the listed college/program. College acceptance is unique for each individual student and each individual year, however, we are confident that students who are involved in the Fine Arts for all 4 years of their high school curriculum are well served headed into college and their future.
Considerations for Fine Arts + another Elective Pathway:
• Online/Summer Coursework is HIGHLY recommended- Counselors have the most up to date information regarding enrollment and deadlines
• GA Virtual School
• Fulton Virtual School
• Foreign Language (2 required for Georgia College System)
• Many Online and Summer options
• If wanting to go AP, that is an Elective Pathway
• Hard to pair with Fine Arts + another pathway (ex. Band/Orchestra + CTAE +World Language)
• Not impossible but requires a lot of FVS/GAVS/Summer Course work
• Currently Latin has conflicts with Fine Arts (Class period placement)
• CTAE (AVTF, Marketing, Engineering, etc.)
• Some classes may need to be doubled in 11th or 12th grade to complete
• Not very many online/summer options
• FVS Health & Personal Fitness – Online/Summer recommended for all students
• Opens up elective spot Freshman Year • Personal Fitness Waiver (Marching Band, Sport, etc.)
• Course Sequence • Fine Arts Classes need to be taken in sequence (can’t skip from 1 to 3)
• Some core classes have alternate sequences • Dual Enrollment
• Dual enrollment for core classes can free class spots for students in Fine Arts
Typically 11th & 12th grade
• Counselor is coordinator
click below for sample transcript
Sample JCHS Student Transcript_Recruitment
Click HERE to download information
Virtual Latin Class & Fine Arts Class
“When I was in 8th grade, I heard that there would be a schedule conflict between my Band Class and Latin Class. I was worried that taking a virtual class would be detrimental to my grades, however, this has been the complete opposite. The virtual class has been very structured, easy to follow, and has allowed me to have one less class to worry about. This has allowed me to do Marching Band and put more time into practicing the Flute, helping me get into All-State for this school year. Having a schedule conflict between Band Class and Latin is actually nothing to worry about, and I was able to be involved in Band Class while still getting my language credits.”
Engineering Pathway + Complete Fine Arts Pathway
“More than anything, I’ve noticed that Georgia Tech really values involvement and the development of soft skills. By participating in band, chorus, and orchestra, you gain skills in communication, teamwork, diligence, leadership, commitment, and problem-solving—skills that give you a competitive edge in classes and future careers.”
– Class of 2023 Graduate, Took Engineering Courses, did not complete Engineering pathway – Engineering student at Georgia Tech currently
GMEA Conference Performance:
The orchestra will perform on Friday, January 31st at 4:30pm in the theatre of the Classic Center.
The orchestra will perform for the Georgia Music Educators at this conference.
Congratulations to the following Johns Creek High School Orchestra Students!
Johns Creek HS Chamber Orchestra “Preview” Concert:
- DATE: Friday, January 24
- TIME: 7:00pm
- PLACE: Johns Creek United Methodist Church
GMEA Conference Performance:
The orchestra will perform on Friday, January 31st at 4:30pm in the theatre of the Classic Center.
The orchestra will perform for the Georgia Music Educators at this conference.
GMEA In-Service Conference
(1/30/25 – 1/31/25)
The following Johns Creek High School Orchestra students for being selected to FCHS Honor Orchestra!
The following orchestra students will now advance on to the Final Round of All-State Auditions in January!
DATE: Saturday, January, 18, 2025
PLACE: Riverwood International Charter School
5900 Raider Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
- Audition Information (complete)
- Second Audition Sheet
- Student & Parent Information: Audition Guidelines – TBA
Orchestra Spring Trip 2025
(4/3/25 – 4/7/25)
Deposit Deadline Date: Friday, October 11
Annual Orchestra Potluck Dinner will start at 6:30pm in the JCHS Cafeteria.
Bring your favorite dish to share with others. Bring your whole family.
Everyone is welcomed! Orchestra information will also be shared
Please use the QR Code below to RSVP with the number of people attending as well as what you will be bringing to share(either main dish or side dish, as drinks and a sundae bar will be provided for dessert.)
Last Year (2023 – 2024 School Year) Announcements
- $50.00 – If register before May 24
- $75.00 – After May 24
- Registration Deadline: July 19, 2024
- Click HERE to register and to find more information
- Important Trip Information to be shared
- Trip items will be distributed
All orchestra members (Sinfonia, Philharmonia, and Chamber) received five (5) straight “Superior” ratings at the annual GMEA District V Orchestra LGPE!
The Johns Creek High School Orchestras received straight “Superior” ratings EVERY YEAR since its opening (in 2009)
- Conductors
- Rules and Regulations
- Map of The Classic Center
- All State Rehearsal/Event Schedule
- Movie – “Howl’s Moving Castle”
- Pizza will be served at 3:45pm.
- The movie will begin at 4:00pm
Please visit the All-State Orchestra page to view information about the Final Round Auditions
Orchestra Hoodie & Crew Shirt Order
Deadline Date to Order is: Friday, October 6
The Johns Creek High School Orchestra will hold its annual Car Wash on Saturday, September 23 from 8:00am to 1:00pm at the Waffle House on Medlock Bridge Road. ($10 donation tickets)
- Click on the link below to sign up for your working shift
- https://forms.gle/QJzzxbc1mHx63Bpv5
Extra Sight Reading session will be available – especially for those students applying for All-State.
- Deadline Date – Wednesday, August 30
All- State Application Fee – $25.00
Please click HERE to make payment (OSP)
(Sept. 1st – Deadline Date)
Middle School (click below)
9th & 10th Grade (click below)
11th & 12th Grade (click below)
- Middle School – TBA
- 9th & 10th Grade – TBA
- 11th & 12th Grade – TBA
- Harp – TBA
Final Audition Material – TBA
- Conductors
- Rules and Regulations
- Map of The Classic Center
- Past All State Programs
- All State Event Schedule
Bring the whole family and friends!!!

Click on the picture/link below to sign up
- Click HERE to view past Potluck Dinner event
- Click HERE or the picture below to view 2023 JCHS Orchestra Summer Camp Pictures!
Past Year Announcements
We will be holding a Fine Arts Signing Day on May 10th, 2023 for all of our Seniors who will be continuing on in the arts for college or their next step. We ask that you have any seniors fill out this form by this Friday (HARD DEADLINE) to REGISTER be included in our ceremony. You do not have to be included if they do not want to.
Link to registration form: https://forms.office.com/r/DbJ8Th91AZ
Congratulations! Fulton County Schools is a recipient of the 2023 Best Communities for Music Education award from the NAMM foundation! This marks twenty-four consecutive years of receiving this prestigious distinction.
The Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that demonstrate outstanding achievement in efforts to provide music access and education to all students. The review process includes detailed questions about funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program, and community music.
Responses and data are verified with school officials and audited by The Music Research Institute at the University of Kansas.
Annual Orchestra Banquet – Friday, May 5 at 6:30pm in the JCHS Cafeteria
Click HERE to download form
Do you love our Johns Creek High School Orchestra? Do you care much about our orchestral program? We are looking for students wo wish to serve on the Johns Creek High School Orchestra Leadership/Volunteer Team for next school year (2023-2024).
If you are interested, please click on the link below. Deadline date is Thursday, April 20 (4pm)
Congratulations to the following Johns Creek High School Orchestra Students for being selected to the prestigious Governor’s Honors Program!!!
Seungmin Han – Viola/Strings – MUSIC
Yeoneui Jeong – Viola/Strings – MUSIC
Geonhee Lee – Violin/Strings – MUSIC
Youyou Zhu – Violin/Strings – MUSIC
Please click on the link below to obtain information.
All three orchestras (Sinfonia, Philharmonia, and Chamber) received five (5) straight “Superior” ratings at the annual GMEA District V Orchestra LGPE!
The Johns Creek High School Orchestras received straight “Superior” ratings every year since its opening (in 2009)
Congratulations to the JCHS Cello Choir for their outstanding performance at the GMEA-In Service Conference!
Click HERE to listen
Congratulations to the following JCHS Orchestra Students
- Conductors
- Rules and Regulations
- Map of The Classic Center
- Past All State Programs
- Hotel – If you would like assistance, please see Mr. Kim ASAP
- All State Event Schedule
Click on the link below:
The concert will begin at 7:00pm
(Click on the link below) 
DATE: Saturday, January 14th
PLACE: Westminster Schools
Click HERE to view Pictures
Click on the link below for information:
Thanks to everyone that participated!!!
Pictures from the car wash will be available soon!!!
Click HERE to view Orchestra Uniform Information
What is the Midwest Clinic All About:
The Midwest Clinic International Band, Orchestra and Music Conference offers guests interested in music education an array of clinics and exhibits, as well as access to music and teaching icons. The conference will also focus on industry trends and future topics in business and music education. With more than 18,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than 40 countries, The Midwest Clinic offers music educators and musicians alike an unmatched networking opportunity.
In 1946, a group of 120 music directors came together at a Chicago YMCA to share their knowledge of music and develop new ways to teach it. This gathering quickly grew and expanded into one of the best music conferences in the country, and perhaps the best music, band, and orchestra clinics in the world. Expounding on the original goals of the first gathering of music educators, The Midwest Clinic now exists with the following Mission:
- Raising instrumental music education standards by advancing pedagogical methodologies
- Developing innovative teaching techniques
- Assisting those interested in music education in their professional work
- Presenting the newest available repertoire for bands and orchestra
- Holding clinics to better music education
CLINICS – Band and Orchestra clinics offer attendees the opportunity to receive specific and detailed information about a wide variety of subject matters. From the best way to tune your instrument to the next innovation in music performance and education, music clinics hosted by The Midwest Clinic offer guests an in-depth look into a topic of their choice.
READING SESSIONS – This segment of The Midwest Clinic showcases live bands and orchestras performing highlights of the year’s new music pieces. Attendees can take notes during the music clinic about what they are hearing, and decide what may be best for their group in the upcoming year.
REHEARSAL LABS – These informative sessions are a live rehearsal for attendees to observe and learn the best teaching practices currently in action. Be a part of the clinic’s “live group,” interacting with techniques and strategies from around the world. Take what is learned from The Midwest Clinic and make it part of your repertoire.
WORLD CLASS PERFORMANCES – The Midwest Clinic also showcases professional musicians, adult ensembles, colleges and university bands, high school and grade school students, orchestras, community bands, and jazz bands!
Congratulations to the following Orchestra Students for being the Finalists to 2022 GHP Program!
Isabella Lin – Violin
Jason Seo – Viola
Jeffrey Xu – Violin
Alina Niu – Mathematics
Ananya Shetty – Mathematics
Congratulations to JCHS Orchestra Students!
All three orchestras received Five (5) straight “SUPERIOR” ratings at the GMEA District V Orchestra LGPE!
Congratulations to Sinfonia, Philharmonia, and Chamber orchestra students!
Great job!!!
Click on the link below to obtain 2022-2023 Class Placement Audition Info:
- Audition Information
- Upload video between 3/7 – 3/25
2022 GMEA High School All-State Orchestra Members
We are also very proud of all the students that auditioned this year!
Click below to watch the Hallelujah Chorus Rehearsal Video
Please click on the image/link below to sign up:
Orchestra 2021-22: Winter Concert Reception (signupgenius.com)
Congratulations to the Following Johns Creek HS Orchestra Students
for being selected to 2021 Fulton County HS Honor Orchestra!!!
Abhay Shetty | Violin | |
Abigail Kim | Violin | |
Alina Niu | Violin | |
Amy Mo | Violin | |
Andrew Han | Viola | |
Annie Hong | Violin | |
Ansh Shah | Violin | |
Arjun Renjith | Cello | |
Brian Woo | Viola | |
Charles Kim | Violin | |
David Zhang | Violin | |
Ellen Kim | Viola | |
Emily Kim | Viola | |
Ethan Loy | Viola | |
Evelyn Zhang | Violin | |
Frank Liu | Violin | |
Isabella Lin | Violin | |
Jason Seo | Viola | |
Jeffrey Xu | Violin | |
Kai Lee | Cello | |
Katie Chong | Violin | |
Kyle Jeong | Viola | |
Matthew Seo | Cello | |
Meghana Malempati | Viola | |
Michelle Chae | Violin | |
Nicholas Xu | Viola | |
Sachith Koduri | Viola | |
Seven Deng | Violin | |
Theodore Kim | Cello | |
Venecia Lai | Cello | |
Youyou Zhu | Violin |
The Fulton County HS Honor Event will take place at Chattahoochee High School on Nov. 15-16.
Click HERE for complete info!
Orchestra Movie Night in the Orchestra Room.
Pizza will be served at 3:45pm
The movie will begin at 4:00pm
10/27, 10/28, 11/3, 11/4, and 11/5
From 3:45pm – 4:45pm
Click on the link below to sign up:
Congratulations to the following orchestra students!
- Audition Date/Place: January 15, 2022
- Final Round Audition Score Sheet
- Conductors
- Rehearsal/Performance Schedule (TBA)
- Rules and Regulations
- Map of The Classic Center
- Hotels
Orchestra Hoodie & Crew Shirt Order
Deadline Date to Order is: October 14
- Hoodie – $32
- Sweat Shirt – $22
- Click HERE to place your size
- Click HERE to make payment for – SWEAT SHIRT ($22)
- Click HERE to make payment for – HOODIE ($32)
- ===================================
DATE: Tuesday, September 28, 2021
TIME: 7:00pm
PLACE: JCHS Auditorium
Admissions: FREE
Chamber/Upbeat Music Ensemble Club
This is a new orchestra music club formed with a purpose of performing/recording online as well as performing “In-Person.”
Invitation to join the club was sent to all current orchestra students via website and via classroom announcement.
Here is the member list for 2021-2022 school year:
Abigail Kim – Violin
Charles Kim – Violin
Jeffrey Xu – Violin
Isabella Lin – Violin
Katie Chong – Violin
Youyou Zhu – Violin
Jason Seo – Viola
Kyle Jeong – Viola
Arjun Renjith – Cello
Theodore Kim – Cello
Venecia Lai – Cello
Vivian Vo – String Bass
DEADLINE DATE: NOW CLOSED (Thursday, September 2nd)
Click on the link below to access excerpts (for Phil and Chamber)
Seating Auditions for Chamber/Philharmonia/Sinfonia Orchestra (initial seating auditions ONLY)
Students will play two assigned scales and arpeggios of three octaves (two octaves for string bass),
prepared excerpt given by the director, and sightreading music. (Audition info to be updated)
VIOLIN – | G Major scale with arpeggio |
A Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
VIOLA – | C Major scale with arpeggio |
D Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
CELLO – | C Major scale with arpeggio |
D Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
STR. BASS – | G Major scale with arpeggio |
F Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
VIOLIN – | Bb Major scale with arpeggio |
G Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
VIOLA – | F Major scale with arpeggio |
D Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
CELLO – | F Major scale with arpeggio |
D Melodic minor scale with arpeggio | |
STR. BASS – | Bb Major scale with arpeggio |
G Melodic minor scale with arpeggio |
Annual Orchestra Potluck Dinner will start at 6:30pm in the JCHS Cafeteria.
- Bring your favorite dish to share with others.
- Bring your entire family. Everyone is welcomed!
- Orchestra meeting/information will be shared
Please RSVP via contacting Mrs. Jennifer Natchus at [email protected]
- Click HERE – Message from Mrs. Jennifer Natchus (VP/Potluck Dinner Event Coordinator)
- Click HERE to view past Potluck Pictures
Click on the link below:
- 2021-2022 Orchestra Activity Fee
- Activity Fee Information
- Activity Fee Information (translation in Korean)
Click on the link below:
- All-State Orchestra Application Payment
- Solo & Ensemble Festival Payment
* Friday, September 3rd – All-State Orchestra Application Due
* Friday, September 3rd – Solo & Ensemble Application Due
Johns Creek High School Orchestra Concert Uniform
Click on the link below:
- Boys Uniform Order Information
- Girls Uniform Order Information
1) 8/23 (Mon): Girls’ Measurement
2) 8/24 (Tues): Boys’ Fitting
3) 8/27 (Fri): Completed Form and Payment Check Due
4)) 9/24 (Fri): All Alterations done
5) 9/28 (Tues): FALL CONCERT
Contact: Lina Jing at [email protected]