Johns Creek High School Fine Arts
At Johns Creek High School, students can complete multiple pathways during their four years. These pathways include, but are not limited to:
- Fine arts
- World Language
- Math
Fine Arts students (Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Theatre, Art) have the option to complete a secondary Elective Pathway if they so desire. The traditional 6 period day provides some challenges to complete this, however Fulton County Schools offers many Virtual and Summer courses in order for your student to complete their desired coursework.
The Fine Arts teachers at JCHS have compiled a list of recent graduates that have completed one or more elective pathways during their time at JCHS. Included in this list are their unofficial transcripts to serve as a guide for their course progression during their time at JCHS. These are guides and do not serve as a direct map or guarantee of admission to the listed college/program. College acceptance is unique for each individual student and each individual year, however, we are confident that students who are involved in the Fine Arts for all 4 years of their high school curriculum are well served headed into college and their future.
Considerations for Fine Arts + another Elective Pathway:
• Online/Summer Coursework is HIGHLY recommended- Counselors have the most up to date information regarding enrollment and deadlines
• GA Virtual School
• Fulton Virtual School
• Foreign Language (2 required for Georgia College System)
• Many Online and Summer options
• If wanting to go AP, that is an Elective Pathway
• Hard to pair with Fine Arts + another pathway (ex. Band/Orchestra + CTAE +World Language)
• Not impossible but requires a lot of FVS/GAVS/Summer Course work
• Currently Latin has conflicts with Fine Arts (Class period placement)
• CTAE (AVTF, Marketing, Engineering, etc.)
• Some classes may need to be doubled in 11th or 12th grade to complete
• Not very many online/summer options
• FVS Health & Personal Fitness – Online/Summer recommended for all students
• Opens up elective spot Freshman Year • Personal Fitness Waiver (Marching Band, Sport, etc.)
• Course Sequence • Fine Arts Classes need to be taken in sequence (can’t skip from 1 to 3)
• Some core classes have alternate sequences • Dual Enrollment
• Dual enrollment for core classes can free class spots for students in Fine Arts
Typically 11th & 12th grade
• Counselor is coordinator
click below for sample transcript
Sample JCHS Student Transcript_Recruitment
Click HERE to download information
Virtual Latin Class & Fine Arts Class
“When I was in 8th grade, I heard that there would be a schedule conflict between my Band Class and Latin Class. I was worried that taking a virtual class would be detrimental to my grades, however, this has been the complete opposite. The virtual class has been very structured, easy to follow, and has allowed me to have one less class to worry about. This has allowed me to do Marching Band and put more time into practicing the Flute, helping me get into All-State for this school year. Having a schedule conflict between Band Class and Latin is actually nothing to worry about, and I was able to be involved in Band Class while still getting my language credits.”
Engineering Pathway + Complete Fine Arts Pathway
“More than anything, I’ve noticed that Georgia Tech really values involvement and the development of soft skills. By participating in band, chorus, and orchestra, you gain skills in communication, teamwork, diligence, leadership, commitment, and problem-solving—skills that give you a competitive edge in classes and future careers.”
– Class of 2023 Graduate, Took Engineering Courses, did not complete Engineering pathway – Engineering student at Georgia Tech currently