2024-2025 Orchestra Student Leadership
Volunteer Team Members
Management Team
- Operation Manager (s) – Priyanka Kavdikar & Saniya Khan
Administrative Assistant (s) – Arushi Sharma & Susmita Dhar
- Secretary (s) -Evan Xue & Andrew Lee
Classroom Facilitator (s) – Amelia Seller (Sinfonia); Divyanka Kavdikar (Philharmonia); Michelle Feng & Arsheya Singh (Chamber)
- Facility/Equipment Manager (s) – Ethan Nie & Nhan Nguyen
- Head Librarian (s) – Ella Camacho & Sophie Yu
- Technology Officer (s) – Amy Liu & Oceana Shu
- Publicity/Newspaper Manager (s) – Caren Lee & Eric Yun
Student Activity Manager (s) -Tomi Ademosu & Cianna Tang
Volunteer Staff Members
- Facility/Equipment Staff Members:
- Ajay Bapodra, Peyton Jacobs, Vyom Shah, Amber Li, and Alexandra Cozmuta
- Librarians:
- Erin Pak & Chloe Ng
Publicity/Newspaper Staff Members:
- Grace Jiang, Geonhee Lee, and Harry Jung
Student Activity Staff Members:
- Alyssa Chen, Michelle Chae, and Amy Xu
- Technology Staff Members:
- Vyom Shah & Michelle Hu
2023-2024 Leadership Team at GSU Summer Leadership Institute
Leadership Team and Volunteer Members
Operation Manager:
Communicate between Mr. Kim, Leadership Team, and Parent Boosters
Coordinate orchestra activities (sectionals, student activities, etc…)
Lead Leadership Team meetings and help set future goals
Make classroom announcements
Assist Mr. Kim with taking class and after school attendance
Provide assistance to Mr. Kim when needed
Administrative Assistant:
Assist Operation Manager
Coordinate Orchestra Fundraisers
Liaison between Orchestra Parent Boosters and Students
Coordinate events with Publicity Manager
Communication (via Email, Student Facebook, etc…)
Manage Orchestra Student Facebook account with Secretary and with Publicity Manager
Coordinate Technology-related Instructions (website, video/audio activities, etc..)
Secretary :
Keep minutes of all leadership meetings
Communicate with all members of orchestra regarding ALL orchestra-related functions/activities
Help manage all social media with Administative Assistant and Publicity Staff
Classroom Facilitator:
Assist Mr. Kim in taking daily attendance
Make daily announcements
Facilitate classroom management
Maintain clean orchestra room, practice room, and instrument storage rooms
Organize Orchestra Room for class/rehearsals/concerts
Setup and break down stage for rehearsals/concerts
Collect equipment (tuners, rock stops, etc… ) after rehearsals/concerts
Organize/store equipment (keyboard, amps, music stands, etc….)
Head Librarian:
Organize/Coordinate sorting music (Sinfonia, Philharmonia, Chamber, Symphony, chamber music, etc…)
Distribute/collect music for rehearsals/concerts
Organize library/practice room
Set procedure for cataloguing/organizing music
Publicity/Newspaper Manager:
Inform Johns Creek Community regarding concerts and special events
Manage and operate quarterly Orchestra Newsletter
Coordinate events with the Orchestra Administrative Assistant
Take pictures and record orchestral activities
Help manage all social media with Administative Assistant and Secretary
Student Activity Manager:
Organize monthly student activities
Help plan for Potluck Dinner and Banquet activities (i.e. paper plate awards)
Take pictures and record orchestral activities
Manage archives of orchestra pictures
Plan logistics with Equipment/Facility Manage
Technology Officer:
Coordinate orchestra activities with Leadership Team
Provide assistance to Leadership Team with social media and technological issues
Coordinate with Publicity and Activity Leaders to manage electronic newsletter, audio, photos, videos, and with technology-related platforms
Promote JCHS Orchestral program through various social media outlets including JCNN
Support and assist with technological issues and production
Facility/Equipment Manager:
Organize and maintain rehearsal room and concert venues
Assist Mr. Kim and Officers with rehearsal setup, concert logistics and other logistical needs
Maintain instrument and equipment inventory, transportation, storage, and care